


26   I Spy
By Chris Gregory and Daniel Cocciardi, SE, PE
Unlike the secret agents it celebrates, Washington, D.C.’s International Spy Museum does its best to stand out.

32   Accelerated Welding: Part One
By Duane K. Miller, PE, Curtis L. Decker, SE, PE, PhD, and Michael S. Flagg
Taking on the need for speed in welding applications.

40   Environmental Transparency
By Max Puchtel, SE, PE
The low environmental impacts of fabricated structural steel have been reaffirmed, and the most up-to-date associated documentation is now available for use.

44   Augmenting Productivity
By Luke Faulkner
Augmented reality is showing potential for increasing productivity when it comes to designing and building steel projects.

48   Staying in Sync
By Dave E. Eckmann, SE, PE, FAIA
AISC’s latest Guide for Architects works to ensure that architects and engineers are on the same page when it comes to designing steel buildings.

52   Century Club: Stupp Brothers
By Geoff Weisenberger
AISC is 100! And we’re featuring our longest continuously running member fabricators throughout 2021.

54   Printing a Winning Bridge
A 3D-printed bridge is the winner of this year’s AISC Forge Prize.

59   Virtual NASCC, Take Two
By Geoff Weisenberger
For the second year in a row, NASCC went online. And for the second year in a row, thousands of attendees made the most of the annual learning experience.



16   Compressions Member Design: A Primer
By Richard M. Drake, SE, and Erik Espinoza, SE
Tips on compression design as it is addressed in the AISC Spec.

data driven
21   AISC Business Barometer
By Joe Dardis
Data Driven highlights market trends, economic forecasts, or other relevant numbers that affect steel design and construction. This month’s data focuses on AISC’s Business Barometer.

field notes
22   A Stable Job
Interview by Geoff Weisenberger
UMass engineering professor and structural stability expert Kara Peterman takes the long view on life.

24   Topping Out  
By Tom Smith
Infrastructure’s big moment has been years in the making—but maintaining it as a top priority requires a collective and ongoing effort.