
Steel Shots: Best IDEAS2

The Florida Polytechnic University Innovation Science and Technology Building in Lakeland, Fla., a National Award winner in AISC’s 2015 Innovative Design in Engineering and Architecture with Structural Steel (IDEAS2) awards program. (Photo by Macbeth Photo)

Every year, AISC’s IDEAS2 Awards honor the best in steel-frame building design and recognize all project team members responsible for excellence and innovation in a project’s use of structural steel. This year’s 12 winning projects combine creativity, economy and technical achievement through the use of structural steel.

A panel of design and construction industry professionals identified National and Merit winners in three categories, based on total constructed value: less than $15 million, $15 million to $75 million and greater than $75 million. In addition, the panel awarded a Presidential Award of Excellence in Engineering to one project for structural engineering accomplishments.

Feast your eyes on all of this year’s IDEAS2 winners in the May issue of Modern Steel.