
Download the 2016 NASCC Mobile App!

What's the easiest way to schedule your time at the 2016 NASCC: The Steel Conference? The NASCC Conference App, of course!

This handy free app works on all Android devices and iPhones and provides the latest session information including titles, descriptions, times and locations. You can use the app to create a schedule, check where a session is being held and even to register your PDH credits.

To download the app, visit the Google Play Store or the Apple App store, or download it online at

While a detailed printed program will be provided at the show, many attendees report it's just easier to use the phone App. It's one less thing to keep track of, it's always up to date and it has a handy bookmark feature so you can add sessions you're interested in to a personal schedule.

If you have any questions about the app, please email AISC’s Sadie Brown at