

2006 HOT Products
Read about some of this year's hottest products!

At Your Service
By Scott L. Melnick
As steel service centers offer more production services, some steel fabricators are taking a fresh look at their material procurement procedures.

Can You Hear Me Now?
By Todd Alwood and Martin Anderson
How do structural choices affect sound transmission in finished buildings? Here's a primer on the basics of architectural acoustics.

Collaborate and Conquer
By Mark C. Waggoner, PE and David P. Wright
How a team effort by a structural engineer and a steel fabricator resulted in a dynamic roof structure for the Arizona Cardinals.

Concrete Plank Producers

Forever de Young
By Bret Lizundia, SE
Steel framing helps revive San Francisco's de Young Museum.

Over and Above
By Arthur B. Savery, PE

Quality Corner:"No More Waivers" - Lessons Learned
By Brian Raff
Awareness of the AISC Certification program helps maintain AISC Certification as a requirement in construction documents.

Rock Solid
By Robert Silman, PE, Scott Hughes, and Sara Steele

Slip Critical Bolts: New Available Strength Values
By Tom Schlafly and Larry Muir
There are significant differences between current methods for designing with slip critical bolts compared with previous approaches.

What's COOL in STEEL
MSC's editorial staff highlights some of the coolest stuff in the steel industry.